Power devices, also known as power electronic devices, are simply power semiconductor devices with the ability to handle high voltages and high currents. It is a semiconductor component widely used in power conversion and control circuits for power electronic devices. The basic idea of a power electronics device is to cut a continuous stream of energy into energy packets, process these packets and deliver the energy, and make it a continuous energy flow again at the output, which is mainly achieved by power semiconductor devices and specific circuit structures.
Power device, package is the bridge between the communication chip and the external circuit, its main functions are:
(1) Realize the electrical connection between the chip and the outside world;
(2) Provide mechanical support for the chip, which is convenient for handling and soldering;
(3) Protect the chip from physical or chemical damage to the environment;
(4) Provide heat dissipation channels
【Triode package empty seal】
![]() | BEEP 6688 one-component epoxy adhesive ◆ This product is a heating and curing type, with good temperature resistance and low total chlorine. ◆ It needs to be heated and cured, and it needs to be stored at low temperature (below -10°C). ◆ After curing, it has strong toughness, high bonding strength, impact resistance and vibration resistance in the bonding parts. ◆ The cured material has good acid and alkali resistance, moisture-proof and waterproof, oil-proof and dust-proof performance, and is resistant to damp heat and atmospheric aging. ◆ The cured material has good electrical and physical characteristics such as good insulation, compressive resistance and bonding strength |